Sunday, August 31, 2008


You: ready?
Me: Yes, I am ready.
You: I will lead the way.
Me: Part of me wants to ask where we are going; a larger part doesn't.
You: Of course you trust me?
Me: I fully surrender; I want to follow.
You: Hold my hand.
Me: (I love feeling connection through hand). You know you already hold my heart.
You: Quite the responsibility:)
Me: Well, don't drop it, or stomp on it. Actually, it's pretty resilient these days. Want to know why?
You: I think I do; lay it on me...
Me: Because I have discovered what real Love is all about: I can't think of anything that can break my heart. Want to know why?
You: Why?
Me: Because I finally get that love does not hurt. Only attachment hurts. And true love is free.
You: Let's embark on the journey, shall we?

I take a step forward, somewhere. Doesn't really matter where;
I know it's to the perfect place.


susan said...

Oh, I like this. Perfect close.

Melody said...

Makes me want to grab on and go somewhere too. I really like this.