Saturday, August 23, 2008

How I met you

You know who you are:
we are connected
I have been waiting
waiting patiently
yet I was unready
for you
until this very time
I am open now
ready, ripe to receive
your offering
gifts of you
You know who you are
because you have already
my sphere
I feel your Presence
Please accept my invitation:
step across the threshold
into my heart
through the door I leave wide open
for you
to make yourself at Home.


Linda Jacobs said...

I like how all your end words are strong. Nice poem!

Granny Smith said...

I am puzzling over the words that are capitalized, especially Presence and Home. It is a lovely poem of readiness to accept.

Elspeth said...

This is great. The feeling of the other's Presence in your sphere can be as real as the Presence itself ... and it inspires the eventual manifestation.

Jennifer Hicks said...

wonderfully inviting. mwah!